Bulk Assignment of Personnel to Claims
The objective of this SOP is to guide you on how to assign personnel to multiple claims at once in the system.
Key Steps
Access the dashboard and navigate to the open claims section to view all open claims.
Use sorting options to narrow down the claims based on specific criteria, such as roles or contract dates.
Select the claims you want to assign personnel to by checking the boxes next to them.
Above the selected claims, click on the "Assign Personnel" dropdown menu.
Choose the personnel you want to assign to the selected claims from the list of available personnel titles.
Click on the "Assign" button to finalize the assignment.
Cautionary Notes
Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to assign personnel to claims.
Double-check the selected claims and assigned personnel before finalizing the assignment to avoid errors.
Tips for Efficiency
Utilize sorting options effectively to quickly identify the claims you need to assign personnel to.
Review the assigned personnel list to ensure the correct individuals are being assigned to the claims.
Regularly update and maintain personnel assignments to keep the system up-to-date.