To update a property address in the system accurately and efficiently.
Key Steps:
Go to the "Open Claims" section.
Select the relevant file number.
Click on the green pencil icon located on the right-hand side.
In the claim toolbar, choose the "Edit Property" option.
Select the property you want to edit.
Make the necessary changes to the address.
Click on the "Save" button to update the address.
Cautionary Notes:
Ensure that you have the correct file number before proceeding.
Double-check the changes made to the property address for accuracy.
Save the changes only after verifying the updated address.
Tips for Efficiency:
Familiarize yourself with the location of the green pencil icon and the "Edit Property" option in the claim toolbar.
Keep a record of the original address to compare with the edited address for accuracy.
Save time by directly editing the property address if it is in front of you without unnecessary delays.