To add a new user to the Claim Wizard account with appropriate security clearance and assign the necessary roles.
Key Steps
Ensure you have the appropriate security clearance to access the Claim Wizard account.
Navigate to the gears icon on the left-hand side of Claim Wizard to access account settings.
Go to "Account Summary" and locate the option to "Add a New User."
Enter the new user's first name, last name, email, phone number, and username.
Choose the desired roles for the new user (adjuster, consultant, claim specialist, etc.).
Review and select any additional roles like executive or office staff carefully.
Approve the new user addition, considering any billing changes that may be required.
Decide whether to send the new user an email with login details or note down the temporary password provided on-screen.
Fill out the new user's name and email for record-keeping.
Click on "Create Account" to finalize the addition of the new user to the system.
Cautionary Notes
Be cautious when assigning roles like executive, as they have significant access and control over the account.
Ensure you have the necessary information from the new user (name, email) to complete the account creation process accurately.
Tips for Efficiency
Keep a record of temporary passwords provided on-screen for new users.
Double-check the roles assigned to the new user to ensure they have the appropriate access levels.
Communicate any billing changes or approvals required promptly to avoid delays in adding new users.